How it Works

  • 1. An investor chooses investment plan such as $10,000
  • 2.Deposit Your investment through our available methods of payments such as Bitcoins, USDT (Erc20 or TRC20) or ETH
  • 3. We use the same amount to earn profit for you on 24/7 for a given duration minimum 5 days
  • 4. We will be doing the trading for you using your manager’s / referral tradings signals as your Mentor because if you trade yourself you might lose. We only charge Max. 10% of your total earnings as brokerage commission for helping you carry out daily trades.
  • 5. Once your profit is due for withdrawal you will be guided on how to withdraw your “ROI” from your trade account to your wallet address or bank account
  • 6. Daily trade signals, 100X Altcoins, ICO’s, Presale’s will be sent to your account which you can monitor all the progress/growth. When trades come to an end you will be mailed the trade history for book keeping etc
  • Note: This doesn’t require a special skill or knowledge all you need is a phone or pc and internet